N.F.M (nicx fit mix) | Dingwall | Conon
I have been a qualified fitness instructor for 3 years and have gained qualifications to instruct Fatburn, Hiit step and Army boxing fitness. I have loved meeting and helping people improve their fitness levels. All workouts are suitable for any age and fitness level. The classes are relaxed and friendly with an area for children to play. I understand how hard it is to exercise with children. Now there is no excuse :) Come along , join a friendly , relaxed fitness group.
Monday - HIITSTEP 10am + 5.45pm - scout hall - Dingwall
Monday 6.45pm - Circuits - Conon bridge playing field ( weather permitting)
Tuesday - Circuits - 6.15pm scout hall, Dingwall
Wednesday - Fatburn extreme- 5.30pm Scout hall Dingwall
Thursday -HIIT BOXING - 5.15pm- Scout hall Dingwall
Friday - Circuits - 4.30pm - Scout hall Dingwall
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All information in the listing is provided by the event organisers and fitness professionals. Highland fitness holds no responsible for inaccurate information,. Acting only as an intermediary between businesses and clients. Please practice Due diligence.